The Ladybird Book of the Shed
The perfect guide for those spending a little too much time in the shed . . .
Using your shed as an office is called shedworking.
Bunny works from his shed. He is a freelance cow-whisperer.
At least, that's what he tells his wife. Bunny is unemployed.
'Michael and Gwen are looking for the placemats Gwen's mother bought them for Christmas.
'Quick,' says Gwen. 'She will be here in twenty minutes!'
'I bet we hid them in here,' says Michael, closing himself inside the quiet shed.
Michael says he will not give up looking for the mats in the shed, even if it takes him all day.'
This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups…
June 28, 2016
Jason Hazeley is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Joel Morris, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.
Joel Morris is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Jason Hazeley, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.