How it Works: The Brother
THE PERFECT STOCKING FILLER for anyone that has ever had a brother, is a brother or has ever thought about murdering one.
Aisling has a butterfly book.
Ryan has a book about fish.
Ryan has decided this is not fair for a reason that will become no clearer over the next six days of his going on and on about it.
Music-making is easy when you are brothers like these Everly Brothers.
Phil knows what Don is thinking.
Don knows what Phil is thinking.
Don is thinking, 'I hate you'.
Phil is also thinking, 'I hate you'.
Two brothers in perfect harmony.
This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about…
April 24, 2018
Jason Hazeley is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Joel Morris, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.
Joel Morris is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Jason Hazeley, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.