The Ladybird Book of The Big Night Out
THE PERFECT GIFT for the party animal . . . or at the very least, for that person you know who doesn't know when it's time to go home.
Every so often, it is nice to have a big night out.
It is important to let your hair down.
And for a friend to hold it out of the way later while you are sick.
Mandy has been looking forward to her big night out all week.
She dances and drinks and laughs and sings. She feels like herself for the first time in days.
Tomorrow every single thing she remembers doing will embarrass her to the point of physical agony.
Mandy hates the real Mandy.
This delightful book is the latest in…
April 3, 2018
Jason Hazeley is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Joel Morris, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.
Joel Morris is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Jason Hazeley, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.