How It Works: The Student
The PERFECT GIFT for the ones who are yet to know the meaning of the words 'hard work' . . . in other words the back-to-schoolers and the university goers.
This is a student.
He is leaving home for the first time.
By the time he graduates, he will be grown-up: exhausted, hideously in debt and unable to imagine going to bed sober.
Reynard has brought everything he needs for his first year.
He unpacks his fancy-dress costumes, his four-way extension leads, his pair of pants and all his didgeridoos.
By doing front, back, inside-out front, inside-out back, and using Febreze and Imodium, he plans to make his pants last until half term.
This delightful book is part of a series of Ladybird books which…
Jason Hazeley is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Joel Morris, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.
Joel Morris is the co-writer of The Framley Examiner and the best-selling Bollocks to Alton Towers. Along with Jason Hazeley, he has written for a frankly stupid number of radio and TV comedy shows including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He divides his time between London and the pub.