Dads and Daughters
How to Inspire, Understand, and Support Your Daughter When She's Growing Up So Fast
Every father can make a huge difference in his daughter’s life.
As the primary male role model in a girl’s life, fathers influence their daughters in profound ways, from how they see themselves to what they come to expect from men and the world at large. But men often don’t realize the importance of their interactions or may shy away from too close involvement because of their inexperience, or conditioning. Especially as girls move into adolescence, fathers may find themselves feeling distant from their daughters or awkward with the changing dynamic. Communication becomes difficult and parenting issues more complicated. But this is also the time when daughters most need their fathers to be an even greater presence in their lives. Dads…
Joe Kelly is the founder and president of the national nonprofit organization Dads and Daughters, and the author of the book by the same name. He was awarded the 1995 Parenting Achievement Award from Parenting magazine and is the proud father of twin daughters, Mavis and Nia.