DK Top 10 Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Author  DK Travel
DK Top 10 Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Soaring skyscrapers and sumptuous resorts; labyrinthine souks and monumental Mosques; sparkling seas and breathtaking desert - Dubai and Abu Dubai has it all. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Dubai and Abu Dhabi with absolute ease.

Our newly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Dubai and Abu Dhabi into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best art galleries, resorts, places to eat, shops and excursions from Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

You'll discover:

- Nine easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day-trip, a weekend, or a week
- Detailed Top 10 lists of Dubai's must-sees, including detailed descriptions of the the…

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