From the moment that Jimbo and his best friend Charlie bug the staff room and overhear two of their teachers speaking to each other in a secret language, they know that nothing is as it seems. But what does "spudvetch" mean, and why do Mr. Kidd's eyes flicker with fluroscent blue light when Charlie says it to him? Perhaps the teachers are bank robbers speaking in code; perhaps they're spies, or aliens. Whatever they are, Jimbo and Charlie know that there is a big adventure on its way: a nuclear-powered, one-hundred-tonne one, with reclining seats and a buffet car. And as it gains speed and begins to spin out of control, it can only end one way — with a…
May 10, 2011Mark Haddon is the author of the bestselling novels The Red House and A Spot of Bother. His novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time won the Whitbread Book of the Year Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for First Fiction and is the basis for the Tony Award–winning play. He is the author of a collection of poetry, The Talking Horse and the Sad Girl and the Village Under the Sea, has written and illustrated numerous children’s books, and has won awards for both his radio dramas and his television screenplays. He teaches creative writing for the Arvon Foundation and lives in Oxford, England.