Justice League Dark: The New 52 Omnibus

Author  Peter Milligan and J.M. DeMatteis Illustrated by  Mikel Janin
Justice League Dark: The New 52 Omnibus

The death of magic.

With the Justice League defeated at the hands of the mad sorceress Enchantress, the clairvoyant Madame Xanadu must assemble the world’s most powerful and strange magical heroes to prevent her premonitions of end times from coming to fruition!
Bringing together the likes of London’s savviest street sorcerer, John Constantine; stage (and actual) magician Zatanna; the reality-altering alien Shade; and the ghost and body possessor Deadman, this unlikely team will be forced to put aside their differences to to stop evil. Never ones to play nice, Constantine and the group will fall apart time and time again only to come together when the world needs them most. Joined by the likes of a centuries-old vampire, the shape-shifter Black Orchid,…

November 9, 2021
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