On Reading, Writing and Living with Books

Contributions by  Virginia Woolf , Charles Dickens , George Eliot , Leigh Hunt and E. M. Forster
On Reading, Writing and Living with Books

The London Library is the world's largest independent library. Founded in 1841 by Thomas Carlyle (in reaction to the "museum headache" brought on by the crowds in the British Museum Reading Room), it has become a haven for readers, writers and all who draw strength, solace or inspiration from the presence of books. Some of the most illustrious figures of the last two centuries have written, thought and walked there: George Eliot, Charles Dickens, E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf and many more were members.

And over time, some of these celebrated members have shared--with each other, or with an interested public--their views on the delights, challenges and joys of reading, writing and living with books.

The books in "Found on the Shelves" have…

April 4, 2017
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