WARP Book 3 The Forever Man
Riley, an orphan boy living in Victorian London, has achieved his dream of becoming a renowned magician, the Great Savano. He owes much of his success to Chevie, a seventeen-year-old FBI agent who traveled from the future in a time pod and helped him defeat his murderous master, Albert Garrick. But it is difficult for Riley to enjoy his new life, for he has always believed that Garrick will someday, somehow, return to seek vengeance.
Chevie has assured Riley that Garrick was sucked into a temporal wormhole, never to emerge. The full nature of the wormhole has never been understood, however, and just as a human body will reject an unsuitable transplant, the wormhole eventually spat him out. By the time…
September 15, 2015Eoin Colfer (pronounced Owen) is a former elementary school teacher whose Artemis Fowl series has become an international bestseller. He is also the author of The Wish List and the New York Times bestseller The Supernaturalist. He lives in Ireland with his wife and two children. Visit him online at eoincolfer.com.