The Skystone

A Dream of Eagles Book I

Author  Jack Whyte
The Skystone

Born of the chaos of the Dark Ages, the Dream of Eagles produced a king, a country and an everlasting legend—Camelot

367 A.D. The empire is crumbling and the legions of Rome are in retreat. The green and peaceful lands of Britain have become a blood-soaked killing ground. It is a time that breeds treachery in some men and greatness in others. This is the story of Gaius Publius Varrus, a former Roman officer, now a maker of swords. As the empire tears itself apart, Varrus makes a fateful decision—to turn his back on Rome and strive to preserve civilization in Britain. With the great love of his life, the beautiful, untamed noblewoman Luceiia, and his former general, Caius Britannicus, Varrus…