
Pulitzer Prize Winner

Author  Sinclair Lewis Introduction by  Sally E. Parry Afterword by  E.L. Doctorow

With an afterword by E. L. Doctorow—the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of one man’s pursuit of intellectual freedom in the face of ignorance and corruption, from the author of Babbit

the most widely read of Sinclair Lewis’s novels, is the incisive portrait of a man passionately devoted to science. As a bright, curious boy in a small Midwestern town, Martin Arrowsmith spends his free time in old Doc Vickerson’s office avidly devouring medical texts. Destined to become a physician and a researcher, he discovers that societal forces of ignorance, greed, and corruption can be as life-threatening as the plague. 

Part satire, part morality tale, Lewis’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel illuminates the mystery and power of science while giving enduring life to a singular…

March 4, 2008
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