The Ministry of Motherhood
Following Christ's Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children
Because Motherhood Isn’t Just a Job. It’s a Calling.
A mother’s day is packed with a multitude of tasks that require energy and time: preparing meals, washing clothes, straightening and cleaning the house, and caring for children. These jobs all are necessary and crucially important. But in the dailyness of providing for a child’ s physical, emotional, and social needs, vital opportunities for spiritual nurture and training can be overlooked.
This doesn’t have to be the case. You can focus your energy on what matters most. Learn how you can:
• Make Life’s Mundane and Nitty-Gritty Moments Work for You and Not Against You.
• Discover Ways to…
January 20, 2004
Sally Clarkson is a popular speaker who has worked in various ministries for more than thirty years. She is the author of several books, including The Mission of Motherhood. She and her husband, Clay, are the cofounders of Whole Heart Ministries, which encourages and equips Christian parents. The Clarkson's live with their four children just outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado.