A Complaint Free World, Revised and Updated

Stop Complaining, Start Living

Author  Will Bowen
A Complaint Free World, Revised and Updated

Now revised and updated for our modern world, the “complaint free” philosophy teaches you how to stop complaining, become more positive, and live the life you’ve always dreamed about.

It all started more than fifteen years ago with a simple purple bracelet.
Will Bowen passed out bracelets and offered people a challenge: If you catch yourself complaining, take the bracelet off and move it to the other wrist, thereby making yourself aware of just how often you complain. The end goal was to go twenty-one consecutive days without complaining. A Complaint Free World develops this idea further, offering practical advice and simple principles to transform your life for the better.
The philosophy started a movement, with millions committing to going twenty-one days and…

March 5, 2024
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