Daisy Picture Books

Written by  Kes Gray

Daisy Picture Books

Daisy: Tiger Ways
Book 6

Daisy: Tiger Ways

Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt
Daisy: 006 and a Bit
Book 5

Daisy: 006 and a Bit

Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt
Daisy: Really, Really
Book 2

Daisy: Really, Really

Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt

About Kes Gray

Kes Gray is an award-winning author of more than fifty books for children of all ages. In 2001 his first picture book, Eat Your Peas, won the prestigious Red House Children’s Book Award. He has since become a three-time category winner and is the only author in the history of the Award to win prizes for both picture book and fiction story writing. He lives in Essex with his wife and children. Find out more at kesgray.com