Yield: 4 Servings

Main Dishes Vegetarian

Is there anything better than a tomato sandwich in the peak of the summer season? Honestly, we think not. Fresh white bakery bread slathered in whipped black garlic butter and topped with thickly sliced ripe tomatoes is elegant simplicity at its finest. Black garlic is aged for twenty-one days under specific temperature and humidity conditions, then rests for five days to air out, creating the best version of roasted garlic, still in the bulb. It’s not fermented, as is often assumed. At Eureka Garlic in Norboro, Amy Picketts explains how their turban garlic is soft and easily mashes into a paste, unlike the hard black garlic that’s commercially available. When paired with fresh-from-the-vine PEI tomatoes, it is utter perfection!

  1. Place the butter in a small bowl. Using a whisk or a hand mixer, whip it until it’s smooth and light. Squeeze in the bulb of garlic and continue to whisk until combined.
  2. Generously smear the butter on one side of each slice of bread, getting right to the edges. Slice the tomatoes thickly and lay them on the bread to cover it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.

  • Storage: The sandwiches are best enjoyed the day they are made. The black garlic butter will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.