Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Novels Volume 4

10th Doctor Novels

Author  David Llewellyn , Danie Blythe and Christopher Cooper
Doctor Who
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Novels Volume 4

Christopher Ryan, Georgia Moffett and Will Thorp are the readers of these three original stories featuring the Tenth Doctor, as played on TV by David Tennant.

Join the Doctor on these journeys in Time and Space. In The Taking of Chelsea 426, he visits a city-sized colony floating on the clouds of Saturn, just as some familiar foes arrive: the Sontarans. In Autonomy, an unspeakable terror is lurking on Level Zero of Hyperville, the hi-tech, 24 hour entertainment complex, where the stage is set for a battle with the Autons, In The Krillitane Storm, the Doctor finds medieval Worcester threatened by the legendary Devil’s Huntsman, in reality a menace he has encountered before.

The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn. Read…