The Healing Powers of Coffee
A Complete Guide to Nature's Surprising Superfood
A cup or two of Joe every day is a good way to boost mood, energy and overall health. --Julian Whitaker, M.D., founder of the Whitaker Wellness Institute
Wake Up To The Amazing Perks Of Coffee!
Java facts you didn't know. . .
According to legend, an Ethiopian goat herder was the first to discover the energizing benefits of the coffee bean plant centuries ago.
Drinking freshly ground coffee from whole beans can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer (including breast, prostate and skin), cirrhosis, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease!
Coffee is the number #1 source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet.
Two antioxidants key to coffee's health buzz are chlorogenic acid and…
July 31, 2012Cal Orey is an accomplished author and journalist. She has a master’s degree in English from San Francisco State University, and for three decades has written hundreds of articles for national and international magazines. She specializes in topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, relationships, science, and pets. Her books include The Healing Powers of Olive Oil, The Healing Powers of Coffee, The Healing Powers of Honey, The Healing Powers of Chocolate, The Healing Powers of Vinegar, 202 Pets’ Peeves, and Doctors’ Orders. She lives in Northern California. Readers are invited to visit her website at, read her blog The Writing Gourmet at, find her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter.