Picnic Plus 3: 4 Plays
“Inge reveals the powerful mysteries in our lives.”—Tennessee Williams
Four plays by a quintessential twentieth-century playwright—Come Back, Little Sheba; Picnic, winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Bus Stop; and The Dark at the Top of the Stairs—with a foreword by the author.
“This nice, well-bred next door neighbor, with the accent that belongs to no region except the region of good manners, has begun to uncover a world withing a world, and it is not the world that his welcome prepared you to meet, it's a secret world that exists behind the screen of neighborly decorum. And that's when and where you meet the talent of William Inge.”—Tennessee Williams
“Inge has presented with astounding veracity the oppressive banality of the lives of his characters: the events of their…