Toward a Living Archive of African Poetry
Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani on the New-Generation African Poets Chapbook Series
Celebrating ten years of New-Generation African Poets, Toward a Living Archive of African Poetry presents Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani’s unprecedented disquisition on the state of African poetry.
TOWARD A LIVING ARCHIVE OF AFRICAN POETRY collects Kwame Dawes’s and Chris Abani’s introductory essays for the New-Generation African Poets Chapbook Box Set Series. These essays are conversations that celebrate the work of emerging African poets and build—meticulously and with principled care—a vision of a pluralistic literary community in which poets may thrive. Over more than ten years, Dawes and Abani have offered readers a glimpse into their editorial labor and philosophy, which are guided by generosity and curiosity and trust in the work of African poets. Dawes’s and Abani’s editorial labor is…