Conan: Spawn of the Serpent God

A Scourge of the Serpent Men Novel

Author  Tim Waggoner
Conan: Spawn of the Serpent God

A new chapter of the Titan comics & Heroic Signatures massive narrative event: Scourge of the Serpent Men. A thrilling story about Conan the Barbarian facing violent abominations written by Bram Stoker Award Winning Author Tim Waggoner

“What do the two of you know of the Cult of Set?”

In Zamora, the city of thieves, Conan meets Valja, a thrill-seeking thief. She entices him to join
her on a heist, where they steal a golden statuette of Ishtar, said to contain the goddess herself.
After killing a dozen guards and failing to escape, the pair are saved by priestesses of Mitra. But
Conan knows that nothing is free.

The priestesses have need of their skills. They have waged war against Set, god of chaos and
serpents, who…

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October 28, 2025
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