Birds of Prey Vol. 3: Bird Undercover

Author  Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero Illustrated by  Jordie Bellaire
Birds of Prey Vol. 3: Bird Undercover

The Birds of Prey are ALL IN! Join the Birds of Prey as they work to infiltrate the Ninth Day, a cult-like corporation that may or may not be behind a rash of kidnappings plaguing the DC Universe.

When a mysterious corporation is suspected of a string of kidnappings – and the victims of said kidnappings include immensely powerful Amazons – the Birds of Prey spring into action. But, when Cassandra Cain goes undercover and subsequently breaks contact, a routine mission becomes much more. Will the Birds be able to trust a handful of new members to get Cass out of danger? Or is this new era for the team about to start with a major tragedy?