Wandance 12

Author  Coffee
Wandance 12

A boy named Kaboku sees a girl named Wanda dance, and suddenly burns with a need to join in. With its thrilling scenes of Japanese hip-hop dance and quirky, charming characters, this is a new, inspirational manga for fans of coming-of-age stories like Blue Period and Your Lie in April. Get up and join the Wandance!

Dance is all about communication...so how do you dance when you feel like you can’t talk to the ones who are closest to you? Some fellow dancers offer Kabo words of advice--but can he take what they say at face value?

With the Dance Arena Chubu Regional Qualifiers behind them, the Ichirin dance club’s attention turns to the upcoming school festival, where the dance club always gives…

Available for Pre-Order
May 13, 2025
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