Nana's Getting Married

Author  Heather Hartt-Sussman Illustrated by  Georgia Graham
Nana's Getting Married

Life with Nana is perfect: she always has time to bake fresh chocolate chip cookies, tell wonderful bedtime stories, and knit cozy mittens and socks and turtleneck sweaters. Perfect, that is, until she meets Bob. All of a sudden, Nana’s too busy for baking and storytelling and knitting. She’s spending her time talking on the phone, giggling, taking long bubble baths, singing love songs, and putting on makeup! What can one aggrieved little boy do to get back Nana – just the way she was?

Complemented by the playful, quirky, chalk-pastel art of Georgia Graham, Nana’s Getting Married will ring a familiar bell with every child who has had to share the attention of a beloved adult. What’s more, it demonstrates…