Paul Smith's Uncanny X-Men Artist's Edition

Illustrated by  Paul Smith
Paul Smith's Uncanny X-Men Artist's Edition

A veritable cornucopia of classic Paul Smith original X-Men art, collected into one glorious Artist’s Edition!

Although the art appears to be in black and white, all Artist’s Editions are shot in color so all the subtle nuances are clearly visible to the reader—and printed at 100 percent size as drawn, a massive 12 × 17 inches. The only better way to see Paul Smith’s original art would be to hold it in your own hands.

This volume not only includes pages from of his original run on X-Men (issues #165–175) but also showcases his classic two-issue crossover event X-Men/Alpha Flight. Plus, all of his original covers and two special foldouts of Marvel Fanfare #4 and X-Men/Alpha Flight #1.

January 7, 2025
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