
Only for Those Who Shall Die--a Yogi's Guide to Living, Dying, and Beyond

Author  Sadhguru

Yogi, mystic, and bestselling author Sadhguru provides a deeper understanding of death so that we can live more fulfilling lives.

Death is an inevitable part of our lives, yet most societies have struggled to come to terms with it. Today, we continue to grapple with the enduring questions - What is Death? Why do we fear it? What happens after death? Is it an end or a doorway to something beyond?

In this unique, clear-sighted exploration of death, Sadhguru dwells extensively upon his inner experience as he expounds on the deeper aspects of death that are rarely spoken about. What if death is not the catastrophe it is made out to be, but an essential aspect of life, rife with spiritual possibilities…

Available for Pre-Order
June 10, 2025
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