Social Situation Survival Guide

How to Meet People, Manage Anxiety, and Feel Confident in Any Setting

Author  Rebel Girls and Michelle Schusterman Illustrated by  Julia Christians
Social Situation Survival Guide

Making friends, joining activities, and meeting new people can be nerve-racking! This guidebook is full of tried-and-true advice for striking up a conversation, recovering from an embarrassing moment, giving a class presentation without freaking out—and so much more.

As you grow up, you’ll be presented with all kinds of exciting opportunities: making friends, discovering what you love to do, and learning new things. But sometimes these joyful milestones come with challenges.

Certain social situations can feel like navigating a maze. How do you strike up a conversation with someone new at school or camp? What should you do when you see someone being bullied? How do you help a friend who is going through a tough time? Through quizzes, advice from…