The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm 5

Author  Junichi Fujisaku Illustrated by  Yuki Yoshimoto Created by  Shirow Masamune
The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm 5

This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

Togusa and Tsunagi set out for Africa to investigate a poisoning death at the Japanese consulate in the Sahel Special Economic Zone. Using their “honeymoon” as a cover, the two trace the black mamba snake venom used in the assassination to an oasis outside the zone that’s part of Gili tribal lands. While they’re gone, a coup rocks the Madisi Republic that governs Sahel, and General Mosey…

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June 17, 2025
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