Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Compendium, Vol. 1
Relive the animated adventures of the TMNT in these classic stories from the Archie Comics series presented in this oversized hardcover!
The original animated TMNT series debuted in December 1987 and began airing full-time in October 1988 by which time the comic series had already been on sale for two months. The first three-issue series proved so popular that it turned into an ongoing series that would run for 72 issues, multiple specials, and various miniseries. This compendium aims to collect all of the issues in recommended reading order giving fans of the series a reading experience like never before!
Volume 1 collects the original three-issue miniseries, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures issues #1–17, plus the short stories “Zen Million Year to…