The Real Deal About Your Meal

Power-Up Your Plate For A Healthy Body And Blissful Living

Author  Yogesh Singh
The Real Deal About Your Meal

‘Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you've got a kingdom.’― Jack Lalanne

There is an undeniable growth in the number of health-conscious people entering the gyms with a bottle of protein shake in their hands, preparing themselves for an intense workout. While exercise is paramount for a healthy body, one cannot deny that diet, too, is of equal importance for one’s well-being. But unfortunately, people fall prey to unhealthy diets and other misinformation rampant on social media, which can be detrimental to their health.

Today, health has been reduced to a number on the scale, but it is much more than what you weigh. In a world of weight-loss pills and detox teas that do not have enough…