Canadian Whisky, Updated and Expanded (Third Edition)

The Essential Portable Expert

Author  Davin de Kergommeaux
Canadian Whisky, Updated and Expanded (Third Edition)

Dive into Canada’s rich history of whisky making, legacy distilleries, and contemporary artisans with this fully updated and expanded guide—including over 100 new tasting notes for Canada’s top whiskies.

In this fully updated edition of Canadian Whisky, the nation’s authority himself, Davin de Kergommeaux celebrates the country’s often underplayed—yet integral—role in this storied spirit. A trusted independent whisky expert, Davin has travelled the country in search of all things whisky to share the very latest findings, photographs, and tasting notes.

First, Davin breaks down the basics of how whisky is made and what sets Canada’s product apart from others. From there, his meticulous research unearths riveting narratives that reach back to the country’s first whisky days and span from east to west.…