The Bible Is Funny Card Game

The Party Game of Hilarious Pairings for Verses Out of Context

Author  Anthony Russo
The Bible Is Funny Card Game

Since Bible verses are always being taken out of context, why not make a game of it? This hilarious card game of creating your own unexpected combinations is perfect for families, friends, and small groups—ages 8 and up!

An excuse I would use to get out of going somewhere...

  • I am very old. Joshua 23:2
  • My breath is offensive. Job 19:17
  • My back is filled with searing pain; there is no health in my body. Psalm 38:7

With 70 prompts and 165 Bible verses spread out across 200 cards, The Bible Is Funny Card Game invites players with an abundance of Bible knowledge as well as those with no prior Bible experience to match out-of-context biblical verses with prompts about everyday situations to win the…