The World of Black Hammer Library Edition Volume 4

Author  Jeff Lemire Illustrated by  Tonci Zonjic , Tyler Crook and Steve Wands
The World of Black Hammer Library Edition Volume 4

Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston’s Eisner Award–winning Black Hammer superhero universe is given a closer look, with two complete series drawn by Tyler Crook and Tonci Zonjic!

In Skulldigger, Spiral City finds itself trapped in a vicious cycle of crime, corruption, and violence. With the heart of the city at stake, a vigilante rises in Skulldigger. However, when the nefarious Grimjim escapes from prison, Skulldigger and his ward, Skeleton Boy, find themselves pitted against a truly deadly and unstoppable force.

In The Unbelievable Unteens, artist Jane Ito finds herself visited by one of the characters from her own creation—but was it her own creation? Were the Unteens an actual school of teenaged misfit superheroes who battled supervillains under the lead…

November 15, 2022
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