Annotated Sandman Vol. 1 (2022 edition)

Author  Neil Gaiman and Leslie S. Klinger Illustrated by  Sam Kieth
Annotated Sandman Vol. 1 (2022 edition)

A journey through Neil Gaiman’s THE SANDMAN with commentary, historical and contemporary references, hidden meanings and more, presented side-by-side with the series' art and text.

THE ANNOTATED SANDMAN is an In-depth, informative, entertaining and fascinating look at the New York Times best-selling series by Neil Gaiman. Edited by and with an introduction and notes by Leslie S. Klinger, the expert researcher and editor behind the Edgar®-winning New Annotated Sherlock Holmes and the critically acclaimed New Annotated Dracula, THE ANNOTATED SANDMAN is a panel-by-panel journey through every issue of THE SANDMAN. Beginning with issues #1-#20, this volume provides commentary, historical and contemporary references, hidden meanings and more, presented side-by-side with the series' art and text. Using scripts and hours of conversation with…

April 5, 2022
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