George R. R. Martin Presents Wild Cards: House Rules
A Novel in Stories
An original anthology centered around one very unusual house in Cornwall which serves as a nexus to the multiverse—set in the Wild Cards universe created by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Game of Thrones.
An alien virus ravages the world, with effects as random as a hand of cards. Those infected either draw the black queen and die, draw an ace and receive superpowers, or draw the joker and become bizarrely mutated. But whether joker or ace or a bit of both, few turn down an invite to Keun.
The island of Keun lies off the coast of Cornwall, connected to the mainland only by an ancient, tidal causeway. It is a magical place, where anything can happen.
February 25, 2025Mary Anne Mohanraj is the author of Torn Shapes of Desire, editor of Aqua Erotica and Wet: More Aqua Erotica, and a consulting editor for Herotica 7. Her fiction has appeared in many anthologies and publications including Herotica 6, Best American Erotica 1999, and Best Women's Erotica 2000 and 2001.
Stephen Leigh is a Cincinnati-based, award-winning author with nineteen science fiction novels and over forty short stories published. He has been a frequent contributor to the Hugo-nominated shared world series Wild Cards, edited by George R. R. Martin. He teaches creative writing at Northern Kentucky University. Stephen Leigh has written Immortal Muse, The Crow of Connemara, and the fantasy trilogy Assassin's Dawn. He can be found at