Battle Angel Alita 1 (Paperback)
Own the manga thrill ride that changed global comics and inspired the James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez's cyberpunk action film Alita: Battle Angel! This new paperback edition features an updated translation in six affordable, 300-page volumes.
In a dump in the lawless settlement of Scrapyard, far beneath the mysterious space city of Zalem, disgraced cyber-doctor Daisuke Ido makes a strange find: the detached head of a cyborg woman who has lost all her memories. He names her Alita and equips her with a powerful new body, the Berserker. While Alita remembers no details of her former life, a moment of desperation reawakens in her nerves the legendary school of martial arts known as Panzer Kunst. In a place where there is…
August 3, 2021
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