Atari to Zelda

Japan's Videogames in Global Contexts

Author  Mia Consalvo
Atari to Zelda

Examining the cross-cultural interactions of Japanese videogames and the West—from corporate sales strategies and game development to DIY localization by fans.

In the early days of arcades and Nintendo, many players didn’t recognize Japanese games as coming from Japan; they were simply new and interesting games to play. But since then, fans, media, and the games industry have thought further about the “Japaneseness” of particular games. Game developers try to decide whether a game's Japaneseness is a selling point or stumbling block; critics try to determine what elements in a game express its Japaneseness—cultural motifs or technical markers. Games were “localized,” subjected to sociocultural and technical tinkering. In this book, Mia Consalvo looks at what happens when Japanese games travel outside…

June 7, 2022
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