Ghosting the News

Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy

Author  Margaret Sullivan Read by  Amanda Carlin
Ghosting the News

Ghosting the News tells the most troubling media story of our time: How democracy suffers when local news dies. Reporting on news-impoverished areas in the U.S. and around the world, America's premier media critic, Margaret Sullivan, charts the contours of the damage but also surveys some new efforts to keep local news alive -- from non-profit digital sites to an effort modeled on the Peace Corps. No nostalgic paean to the roar of rumbling presses, Ghosting the News instead sounds a loud alarm, alerting citizens to the growing crisis in local news that has already done serious damage. She explains how a lack of local news in communities results in more polarization, less political engagement, and more poorly informed citizens who are less capable…

July 14, 2020
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