Mirror Sound

The People and Processes Behind Self-Recorded Music

Author  Spencer Tweedy and Lawrence Azerrad Foreword by  Carrie Brownstein Photographs by  Daniel Topete
Mirror Sound

A visual portrait that delves into the people and processes behind self-recorded music, featuring some of the biggest names in music today.

Everywhere you look, musicians are creating, recording, and selling their music without the help of big-name studios, producers, or labels. This book offers tangible--and visually stunning--proof that self-recording is a path to artistic freedom. Each chapter takes on a specific aspect of self-recording through original interviews with musicians and all new photography, revealing the joys and complications of recording music on one's own terms. You'll learn how some of your favorite musicians charted their path to self-recording and how they use emerging technologies to make exceptional music. The book features intimate shots of artists recording in living rooms, backyards,…