Rescatando palabras (Digging for Words Spanish Edition)
José Alberto Gutiérrez y la biblioteca que creó
Un espléndido e inspirador álbum ilustrado acerca de la vida de José Alberto Gutiérrez,
un recolector de basura de Bogotá, Colombia, que creó una biblioteca a partir de un libro que rescató de la basura mientras realizaba su ruta.
En la ciudad de Bogotá, en el barrio La Nueva Gloria, viven dos Josés. Uno es un niño que sueña con los sábados, día en que él y otros niños del barrio visitan el Paraíso, la biblioteca. El otro José es un recolector de basura. Desde el atardecer hasta el amanecer, escudriña las aceras de las calles por donde conduce entornando los ojos bajo la tenue luz en busca de tesoros escondidos… ¡Libros! Algunos en pilas ordenadas, como a…
September 8, 2020Angela Burke Kunkel is the author of Digging for Words, an ALA Notable Book and Kirkus Best Book of the Year. It also received the Americas Award and the International Latino Book Award for best English language title. She is also the author Make Way, which has received two starred reviews, and Penguin Journey, called "stunning" in a starred review from Kirkus Reviews.
Paola Escobar is a a graphic designer and illustrator from Colombia.
As a child she loved drawing the stories told by her grandmother about their family and culture and it was her dream to become an illustrator for children’s books.
She is the illustrator of the award-winning picture book Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpré as well as many other critically-acclaimed picture books. She has worked with publishers across the world and is proud to have illustrated stories that celebrate cultural diversity and champion unsung heroes.
Paola lives very happily in Bogotá, Colombia, with her husband and their dog, Flora.