Ralph Compton The Wolves of Seven Pines
A brand new, wild and thrilling Western in Ralph Compton's Sundown Riders series!
His wife is gone to tuberculosis, his reputation was lost in the war, most of his life has already passed by, and now even his horse has been taken by colic. All Carpenter has left are the men from his Army company. During the journey to California to reunite with them, he strikes up a friendship with Rafael Silva, an educated man making for the same town to start up a rifle factory.
When they arrive, Carpenter's former brothers-in-arms actually try to run Silva out of town, despite the much needed factory. There's trouble afoot, and Carpenter has to choose between his new friend and the ones…
May 5, 2020Ralph Compton stood six-foot-eight without his boots. He worked as a musician, a radio announcer, a songwriter, and a newspaper columnist. His first novel, The Goodnight Trail, was a finalist for the Western Writers of America Medicine Pipe Bearer Award for best debut novel. He was the USA Today bestselling author of the Trail of the Gunfighter series, the Border Empire series, the Sundown Rider series, and the Trail Drive series, among others.
E. L. Ripley has a background of military service and social work. He wrote his first novel when he was fifteen and has been writing ever since. His novels have been praised as "a fast-paced and engaging intrigue, with characters the reader will be attached to and root for despite their flaws and faults" (Marko Kloos, author of Chains of Command) and "a wild, page-turning ride" (Mike Shepherd, author of Kris Longknife: Unrelenting).