The Bottom Line for Baby

From Sleep Training to Screens, Thumb Sucking to Tummy Time--What the Science Says

Author  Tina Payne Bryson
The Bottom Line for Baby

Apply the best science to all your parenting decisions with this essential A–Z guide for your biggest questions and concerns from the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline

Every baby- and toddler-care decision sends parents scrambling to do the right thing, and often down into the rabbit hole of conflicting advice. Dr. Tina Payne Bryson has sifted through the reliable research (including about all those old wives’ tales) and will help you make a manageable molehill out of the mountain of information and answer more than sixty common concerns and dilemmas, including

• Breast or bottle? Or breast and bottle? Will that cause nipple confusion?
• What’s the latest recommendation for introducing solids in light of potential allergies?
• Should I sign us…

September 1, 2020
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