Urban Legends
The As-Complete-As-One-Could-Be Guide to Modern Myths
Urban Legends is a remarkably complete collection of the modern myths that make the rounds in offices, college dorms, and every other place where people tell the stories that spring from our deepest fears and fascinations.
Every culture has its folktales including ours. Except, instead of involving gods and goddesses or princes and princesses, ours involve "some guy my sister's best friend knows" or "someone who woke up in a motel room." They happened, supposedly, to real people, usually recently, in a particular place. And they touch the most sensitive nerves of our psyches with ironic twists, gross-out shocks, and moral lessons learned the hard way.
From the classic tale "The Mexican Pet" in which the "dog" turns out to be no…
June 9, 2010Ngaire E. Genge is the author of numerous books, including Beyond Blair Witch, Urban Legends, The Buffy Chronicles, and The Unofficial X-Files Companion. She lives in Labrador City, Newfoundland.