Implacable Alpha

Author  W. Michael Gear
Team Psi
Implacable Alpha

Now in paperback, New York Times bestselling author Gear continues the thrilling sci-fi mystery of Prisoner Alpha in book two of the Team Psi novels.

Called the ‘Ennoia,’ the woman who came within a heartbeat of killing prisoner Alpha in the Grantham parking garage is back.
This time she’s snatched Dr. Timothy Ryan. The Psi Team find themselves caught in a battle that has been raging across timelines for 2000 years. But can they trust the Ennoia? Or is she using our timeline for her own purposes?
Meanwhile, Bill Stevens has his own agenda, and his goons have already crossed blades with Psi Team. Now they are coming for Alpha, and all the revenge they can get.
Because just as things seemed…

May 30, 2023
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Implacable Alpha

Implacable Alpha

W. Michael Gear
The Alpha Enigma

The Alpha Enigma

W. Michael Gear