Doctor Who : The Tenth Doctor Complete Year One

Author  Nick Abadzis and Robbie Morrison Illustrated by  Elena Casagrande and Daniel Indro
Doctor Who : The Tenth Doctor Complete Year One

The collected Year One comic adventures of the critically acclaimed Tenth Doctor, as played by David Tennant!

Two strangers: the Doctor, charming, eccentric Time Lord with a past as dark and heavy as a black hole; Gabriella Gonzalez, waitress and wannabe artist with a future dragging her down like lead chains.
Hurled together by a wave of psychic horror haunting New York, they embark on an epic new adventure across time and space when a left turn in the Time Vortex strands them in the bomb-besieged trenches of World War I!
And it’s not just the churning mud or the constant bombardments they have to worry about... the fearsome Weeping Angels are here and feasting on the futures…

November 21, 2017
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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate Vol. 3: The Good Companion

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate Vol. 3: The Good Companion

Nick Abadzis, Arianna Florean, Giorgia Sposito
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate Vol. 1: Breakfast at Tyranny's Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate Vol. 2: Vortex Butterflies Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 7: War of Gods

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 7: War of Gods

Nick Abadzis, Giorgia Sposito, Georgia Sposito
Doctor Who : The Tenth Doctor Complete Year One

Doctor Who : The Tenth Doctor Complete Year One

Nick Abadzis, Robbie Morrison, Elena Casagrande, Daniel Indro
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate Vol. 1: Breakfast at Tyranny's Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 6: Sins of the Father

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 6: Sins of the Father

Nick Abadzis, Giorgia Sposito, Eleonora Carlini
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 5: Arena of Fear

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 5: Arena of Fear

Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, Eleonora Carlini, Iolanda Zanfardino
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 4: The Endless Song

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 4: The Endless Song

Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, Eleonora Carlini, Claudia Ianniciello, Arianna Florean
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 3: The Fountains of Forever

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 3: The Fountains of Forever

Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, Arianna Florean
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 2: The Weeping Angels of Mons

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 2: The Weeping Angels of Mons

Robbie Morrison, Elena Casagrande, Daniel Indro
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 1: Revolutions of Terror

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 1: Revolutions of Terror

Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, Arianna Florean

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