Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 6

Author  Tom Waltz , Kevin Eastman and Paul Allor Illustrated by  Mateus Santolouco and Cory Smith
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 6

Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

Old Hob, Slash, and their crew have become a force to be reckoned with, and, when someone close to the group is kidnapped, the Mutanimals end up on an adventure more wild and dangerous than they could ever have imagined. Then, the Turtles return from Burnow Island to find unimaginable tragedy. As the family struggles to cope, an enraged Foot Clan prepares its revenge. Meanwhile, Casey prepares for a final showdown with Hun as the Purple Dragons run amok, and April has come into possession of an ancient scroll that seems to point to answers regarding…