The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

A novel

Author  Arundhati Roy
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Humane and sensuous, beautifully told, The Ministry of Utmost Happinessdemonstrates on every page the miracle of Arundhati Roy's storytelling gifts.

     How to tell a shattered story?
By slowly becoming everybody.
By slowly becoming everything. 

      With stories told in a whisper, in a shout, through unsentimental tears and sometimes with a bitter laugh, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness takes us on an intimate journey of many years across the Indian subcontinent, as it braids together an aching love story and a decisive remonstration with characters who are as indelible as they are tenderly rendered. 
     We meet Anjum, a hijra, as she unrolls her threadbare carpet on the floor of the cemetery in Old Delhi she calls home, while many miles away, we encounter the captivating Tilo, and the…