Nightwing Vol. 3: Nightwing Must Die (Rebirth)

Author  Tim Seeley Illustrated by  Javier Fernandez
Nightwing Vol. 3: Nightwing Must Die (Rebirth)

Dick Grayson’s DC Universe Rebirth adventure from fan-favorite creators Tim Seeley (BATMAN ETERNAL, GRAYSON) and Javier Fernandez (RED HOOD/ARSENAL) continues in NIGHTWING VOL. 3: NIGHTWING MUST DIE!
As the original Robin, Dick Grayson has long lived in the shadow of Batman. But now, as Nightwing, he’s finally his own man. He has a new city to protect in Blüdhaven, and a new love in his life—former villain Shawn Tsang.
But someone doesn’t think that Nightwing is quite the hero he could be. They’ve sent a twisted doppelgänger, Deathwing, to Blüdhaven to kidnap Shawn...sending Dick on a globe-spanning chase to get her back before something terrible happens.
Together with current Robin Damian Wayne, his partner from his brief…

September 26, 2017
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