Maximum Canada
Toward a Country of 100 Million
To face the future, Canada needs more Canadians. But why and how many?
Canada’s population has always grown slowly, when it has grown at all. That wasn’t by accident. For centuries before Confederation and a century after, colonial economic policies and an inward-facing world view isolated this country, attracting few of the people and building few of the institutions needed to sustain a sovereign nation. In fact, during most years before 1967, a greater number of people fled Canada than immigrated to it. Canada’s growth has faltered and left us underpopulated ever since.
At Canada’s 150th anniversary, a more open, pluralist and international vision has largely overturned that colonial mindset and become consensus across the country…
August 20, 2019
Doug Saunders is the former European Bureau Chief of the Globe and Mail and the author of Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World, which won the Donner Prize, and which the Guardian said "may be the best popular book on cities since Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities half a century ago." He has won four National Newspaper Awards. Saunders lives in Toronto.