The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse

Author  Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris
The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse

Discover what the end of the world really looks like . . .

'Lara has constructed her own home-made flame-thrower.

The flame-thrower has turned the walking corpses into burning walking corpses. Now everything they touch catches fire.

'This did not happen with the cricket bat,' thinks Lara'

'Some people say civilisation after a zombie apocalypse will go back to The Stone Age.

Nobody tidies up or collects the bins. The electricity keeps going off. There are dead bodies piled up in the streets.

It is actually more like the 1970s.'

This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them.

The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent…